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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Grades are used to assess student achievement and report on student progress. Instructors will inform students (in clear performance terms) at the beginning of each course what constitutes minimal requirements for each letter grade applicable to the course. Grade points are assigned to letter grades as follows:


Grade Description
A 4.00 points per credit hour
A- 3.67 points per credit hour
B+ 3.33 points per credit hour
B 3.00 points per credit hour
B- 2.67 points per credit hour
C+ 2.33 points per credit hour
C 2.00 points per credit hour
C- 1.67 points per credit hour
D+ 1.33 points per credit hour
D 1.00 points per credit hour
D- 0.67 points per credit hour
F 0.00 points per credit hour

Other Notations


Grade Description
H Honors level course
J Not yet graded by faculty member
S Satisfactory completion (used only in non-credit courses)
CP Clinical – Passed; no quality points (used for credit bearing clinical requirements that have a co-requisite credit course)
CF Clinical – Failed; no quality points (used for credit clinical requirements that have a co-requisite credit course)
U Unsatisfactory completion (used only in non-credit courses)
W Withdrawal from courseThe “W” grade is recorded for students who officially withdraw from a course after the census date (end of the third week of a full-semester course) and before the end of the ninth week. For summer and special sessions, the “W” grade is recorded for students who officially withdraw after the census date and prior to completion of 9/16 of the course. It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a class by the designated deadline.
IP In processThe “IP” grade may be given only in emergency or unusual circumstances at the discretion of the instructor to students who have made good faith progress in courses but who have not completed course requirements by the end of any term (regular semester or special session).The designation “good faith progress” means that the student must have satisfactorily completed most of the course requirements. An “IP” grade is recorded only if it is accompanied by an “IP” contract signed by both the student and faculty member. An “IP” grade is changed automatically to an “F” grade if the Records Office does not have a change of grade by the last day of class of the twelfth week of the first full semester following the session in which the “IP” grade was earned. The responsibility to present a change of grade to the Records Office is shared by the student and faculty member. Any student accepting an “IP” cannot graduate until the end of the term in which the “IP” is completed and graded.
CR Credit earned by examination
AU Course registration by auditIf a student wishes to audit a course, he/she must register for the class prior to the end of the third week of classes. The student must obtain a request to audit form from the Records Office, have the instructor sign the form, and return it to the Records Office. Students are expected to pay the standard tuition fees appropriate for the class to be audited.
TR Credit transferred from another institution of higher education
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